Saturday, April 10, 2010

and the award goes too ....

it is really cool and awesome to find that i was nominated by a fellow blogger for a blog award. its a great way for us bloggers to show support and love. thanks blah blah becky for the nomination, and now its my turn to pass the love around the fashion blog community. this is kinda like a chain letter for bloggers, very interesting.... i'm curious to see total number of nominees for this award... couldn't hurt to pass on the love

the rules of the sunshine award are:
1. post the award logo within your blog or post
2. pass the award onto 12 fellow bloggers
3. link the nominees within your post
4. let the nominees know of the award nomination by commenting on their blog
5. share the love and link to the person who you received the award from

my following nominees are:


Elea Carey said...

Thanks! This is a good way for me to learn about blogs. I got nominated yesterday and I was preeeeeetty excited!

FASH ON said...

Thank you so much your awesome!


Corinne Adelle said...

Thankkk you!!


LiPs said...

You know I am lazy beyond belief, so sorry for the delayed THANKYOU for this award. You rock hunny, see you in new orleans.

electric feel said...

Thanks, it's such a great honor.